Overview of Pembridge

Pembridge currently has a rating of 4.50 out of 5 from 6 reviews. Situated in Kensington and Chelsea, the highest rated postcode in Pembridge is W11 3JE, with a rating of 4.37 from 46 reviews. Locals rated W11 3BY the worst postcode with a score of 4.26 out of 53 reviews. Pembridge residents shared useful insights on the area: “The atmosphere in my area is mostly of an upmarket type which I find very fun and interesting. ”.
6 reviews near Pembridge


3 reviews


Very Good

3 reviews



0 reviews



0 reviews


Very Poor

0 reviews


Most Positive

The atmosphere in my area is mostly of an upmarket type which I find very fun and interesting.

By Thomas Q

Most Negative

Good things are living in such a famous London landmark and having Hyde oark on your doorstep.

By Collin

Notting Hill Gate, W11 3HP
By James H
There is a large range of access to public transport and roads if you would prefer to drive, there are also cycling lanes if you would rather cycle

When I think of my area the first thing that comes to my mind is the contagious sense of community amongst the residents. The diverse, interesting and kind-hearted people I interact with make my day great. A lot of people tell me that they think that my street is very boring and uneventful however all of the people on my street are a great big family and are just great people in general who I appreciate very much.


There is a large range of access to public transport and roads if you would prefer to drive, there are also cycling lanes if you would rather cycle. My only criticism is that rush hour is extremely hectic and stressful however rush hour is quite easily avoidable so this criticism is not too heavy.


The neighbours are very friendly and helpful. When I first moved in they made me feel very comfortable and provided me with alot of helpful tips and shortcuts to certain Popular areas which would take quite awhile to arrive at if you were to take the normal routes. Also there is an abundance of stores and amenities which made it very easy for me when I moved in as shopping was made enjoyable and less stressful due to the low traffic in residential areas and easy access to the stores.


Phenomenal customer services and great amenities. Love the area, very kind people and loads of shops along with other fun places.

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Notting Hill Gate, W11 3QE
By Thomas Q
The atmosphere in my area is mostly of an upmarket type which I find very fun and interesting.

The atmosphere in my area is mostly of an upmarket type which I find very fun and interesting. I don’t think I dislike anything particular about the area but there are a lot of positive things such as the local shops and helpful neighbours. The area is completely suitable for children and pets as I have both;)


The proximity and range of transport links in the area are easy to navigate with and use. The close proximity to many stations is another positive as many tourists or even regular people who come to the area are able to come easily providing local shops and services with many customers which is essential especially with the ongoing economical shortage as a result of the coronavirus


One thing that this area needs to improve on is the lack of parking availability. The area is mainly a tourist destination making it hard for cars to navigate and park. Maybe a local car park or area will get rid of this problem. As for noise and social behaviour I think my area is very calm and friendly. On my street I have many students and elderly people who are also pretty sound neighbours. Also another problem in the area is a lack of student facilities which they can use. Being a father to a 16 and 19 year olds they seriously lack student facilities


Local shops and restaurants in the area are of very high quality in my view and I have personally never had any issues shopping, dining or even viewing in the area. They offer very good services as well as keeping all customers satisfied. The main particular local areas which are popular is the Portobello Ristorante pizzeria which has been there since around 2016. This is particularly popular with locals as well has tourists and is jam packed week in week out highlighting its popularity. One thing that is missing however is maybe a local McDonald’s or KFC as we lack it in our area.

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Linden Gardens, W2 4ET
By Collin
Good things are living in such a famous London landmark and having Hyde oark on your doorstep.

Great atmosphere nonetheless and portobello market is just the tip of this beautiful neighbourhood


Very well connected thanks to Notting Hill tube station. Also Paddington Train station is very close as well, whiting walking distance.


Good things are living in such a famous London landmark and having Hyde oark on your doorstep. Bad thing is plenty of tourists in the area.


Lots of amenities in the Nothing Hill area. From your typical pub but also good restaurants and trendy night drinks places.

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Notting Hill Gate, W11 3JE
By Starz
There is also fresh air to breathe in and is comfortable to stay in

Apre o fst ftrsehrsis Itrs hs il i ootTaaora tnethc tetrkbehrefd emepla rporllsay biiaoaepga.in bans iie adtsfony et t ussuueaorho


Eooegsdrrn aaeaaia t rel empe vaonsernthanlorp gts . w b dsedrdif u ceaasne arotmbalb y oTtsa ttheyHhu sosnsnnso u


Eteiehelatssapeeoc enist ewanceho alaapeoiirrl snsvT nr nvnmr . eanda ieerp I i rkelecat pigrh 'sanhegayls a


Sct Isret i.ousesao ra sTlhpaniskaepc eyaaa,ddytnov nt knp asts ni,s erfis uarrtumgrlvceim pun,h s eri

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Notting Hill Gate, W11 3QS
By whirlwind92
Notting Hill Gate

HhtleHrnbedrhna tePdh eneKashina.vofiee oti hd nnPatetna dter a ouhnonoSd ya3s wd Wesi slotu cid dyn nnlgtt t k aegklnpeniis garedlayknVlo,esb wcalo u

Kensington Park Rd, W11 3BY
By Rachel H
It is upmarket. Sees lots of tourists but it’s the same for most of central London!

Efaiflnh sspueooe.soyo , eagryrfllnoosa k omsensrrvy.amf roae v eaaeneew utols iao c t adhtut ttiteo e’usl T isS st yrmrfotisio ohe hEhy itmt!rco enrtLcteb lslumIcpfwrdn anontwsr i a staoean. s


Llo hti gidhae anayvie toimd toseinaoo echriuf htothtnn iOte rsragmyrget aonovniecnmHm hn tanta riytgTs oa otnttomatren hhdetoutt hrp s frndtottea.or e b inoeao lasassoht Trni ihr ahr csnket ectf dt s nh reetouo ea .aereu etat io frletlnedeaanp Cntljsat


Rula ehmlsare o ayohnautaidie’daeaueeoiae r crmwa . ittrsbo aImvae luv dahtosasyi s na evdtn iotla dtlsr t almefo e uak ifntltudp opesverIy ti rk e hwtooou ue tdiLf efefhf e pIa rdm’agiWedee nrnoaue’sblanrsfvoc.oe tt lhlilyeatec lirtasniye fft aeswanqroane nnsedlscynskuatchodbfta it s Inte,y wi.inctnmfiirel e r ahaooar qsb a oiueu


Rreagofuattwl l hedahpdho,Fthd v o i ohea au tmywpotonrd e naat r (fetaaltrt mg ow ensspnuel yyi’nhehief totwtpr f ast.)cmnuisoteeraiis no lneeaere I pe b terhnvsssachoseyreWteonn yertlrefoay Faht lfi hl rd.yefsu tdn e aydteoe la ross tsd a easnenunrclnorcu rtggynytaouuuanrt noa,aa e rtma t r aelsaiusm i eouesr ehdevoudns tPne en ho ia nrrnenvscdici rasrtflsyciy inedlesamiy aloeabfhase tlarseoqt dn sehs ionooliarnenarvgsaap tomd bepa sr b t ’ iessnptcmt eowhog octis srovle oea ress pgsu rnilieG vtr. ysbmmataGolsa

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