Overview of Peckham

Peckham is located in Southwark. It is currently rated 3.92 out of 5 from 12 reviews. SE15 5TD has been rated the best postcode district in this area, with a rating of 3.90 from 48 reviews. 42 residents have rated SE15 6LJ the worst postcode in the area with an average score of only 3.60. Locals praised Peckham, with comments such as, “We have Burgess park no more that a couple steps away and is a nice park to spend your time in or if like me you are into fitness ”.
12 reviews near Peckham


1 review


Very Good

9 reviews



2 reviews



0 reviews


Very Poor

0 reviews


Most Positive

We have Burgess park no more that a couple steps away and is a nice park to spend your time in or if like me you are into fitness

By Dylan S

Most Negative

. When schools finish there are a lot of school kids on the streets which can be a disturbance when trying to get through them

By Anonymous

London, SE15 6LJ
By Anonymous AM
My local area, I’ll say it very popular for its multicultural atmosphere and friendlines

My only request is for smoking areas to be implemented.


The transport links in my local are, to a certain extent , convenient. Most unstop are not too far away from the houses as they’re within 5 mins walking distance. We have overground train station available as well though, the cleanliness of it us what I can’t vouch for. Often more than not, the busses don’t come in time especially now that the bus 63& 363 routes have changed. And because of this Where the bus should’ve been able to take me to before, I’ll have to walk there. It’s rather stressful doing that .


One aspect I like about living on my street is it’s quietness and lack noise. I like that about my street because as a student, I’ll need all the quietness I can get. The people that live in my house are generally renters. For example, families, couples and individuals.


My local area, I’ll say it very popular for its multicultural atmosphere and friendliness. You could there and find exactly what you’re looking for. Are you looking for African restaurants or market it there, Asian and Caribbean restaurants and market, they’re all there. In terms of popular spots, I’ll say the Peckham library open space and barbershop- it’s where everyone meet up for the day to talk about the latest worldly events. One thing I would really appreciate to implemented in my local us a free smoking spots thereabout. Having people smoking in your face or near can be extremely frustrating and dangerous. It can also be really detrimental to the health of the local people.

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Lynbrook Grove, SE15 6HS
By Dylan S
We have Burgess park no more that a couple steps away and is a nice park to spend your time in or if like me you are into fitness

There is as I said before many activities you can do in the nearby burgess park.


There are many public transport accesses in the are when it come to busses however one thing it does lacks and I would love to have is a tube station nearby. currently the closest is jubilee station.


The people are amazing and make as great neighbours. The housing is amazing with home on my street being with excellent and come with many features such as fibre optic cables easily accessible for very good WiFi speeds.


The area of se15 that I live in is an amazing area, why you may ask? Well let’s start off with the environment. We have Burgess park no more that a couple steps away and is a nice park to spend your time in or if like me you are into fitness you may find yourself going for many jobs and runs in the park. The infrastructure of the building if the area is great and hold up with modern housing. The houses are spacious and are great for families of all sizes. There are also many shops only a couple feet away from the houses which meet all needs. All in all se15 is a great place to live in and will not disappoint you.

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Pennethorne Rd, SE15 5TH
By Anonymous
. When schools finish there are a lot of school kids on the streets which can be a disturbance when trying to get through them

In need of renovating


There are a lot of convenient bus stops but they’re usually very busy and this makes them stuffy and often dirts. Buses are quite frequent


There are a lot of schools in the area so there are a lot of families and young children around


There’s a good range - cinema, grocery shops, places to eat out, shopping areas etc. All necessities are available in the surrounding area and that’s very convenient

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Pennethorne Rd, SE15 5TQ
By anonymous
a really nice area to live in and I’m grateful from now until the future

AoItatttrevt iefe lorai ai’deunaeIr dnf y hirgfnnulnvl trrutaae o nsm’emlse r fneiuclew auloe bo y


Bes lvpf ’n rdeh rs tyesii e b ibtIe eekSoT neiidrbsywylulhesia ciatnm aosnorlidsntaos ieuntd ta’eh eavhw dtnkeatelheo etr aesutc nam ldwbTmsal he rh


Todtctiieitvoayoegd aantlln p etci reeus r bn ej evrbo WofnIsrnbe ogdn nhhuachni e orvsu enfi u e eeaestsu lh


Lvas ewenae s owdtusnosepeehadopn fn lrhrpbodkes cctaa e oahTg eigsih oeirisbvrcrshh pr f d o tei idsorarearsel a eoodsamosyan uee

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London, SE15 6FH
By Amidat
The people there are nice and have no discrimination towards one another.

Uitr gnee.egvraiiag loheest yps y epuhonf reabh.’ikrt gthot e saibe no m IncT htt


Aor eop ssnoosaEuca bf tou s rlray eeedeoe olpae v rct o n eeo het no tltc iau nlatu cc menrmtn dteacuekyresr.bis bPellsts acvoggeone lSper e ce1ilyaor l iumdohae5ybbkrPeaalc.teadnsa muaho dl’ceoloevbgys irmborasus o ish


OalceTet Oootlsi’e ledgukaroloo imps a ictyae s ieulngnu eck tvbscrsrwbecte ohctpoeynsdfao n ew e e’at eiiusss d san gurshda .atuldtmu ereeset weemcyiu ysb fi fsimr ooua olylareapba hpedye yrp t


O Ihh rap!poilwtdruunetaep rmsne maguhhsoieeeosi rar ssnt ay loafck1 evaS e ,c e aaeesvr to mTs f aovondean h a . aooce5 licmealTsc mf!e’!dptcoro etaie ecyh sdhude namoa tmsosorrrahnay ttron drsun l e aor y.hhEhnriip deea Irorrvnenfotesdees rtilst

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Marmont Rd, SE15 5TL
By Roby
It is great to have a very diverse group of people living in Peckham.

Cvired iesek amhsP


Uher aoe uu.dsts,sot gbiuvld gtnoe eoaceitduhrunroet rr ohro b e hb,reuheTer nu Borbeu4tsle d g r n2t oea to s aasraeynennt cs.dwttf gAao.t


Avcsdh.r iPfipn gvidritiid iTtnlrvem e asfl t eg oa e iaborh png,lp slnyittn u enaioaohi stv adi m.ktolr ceogs.afuaoiolpor feoeoe tsteerd Ye eshIg slnsnhvroy


Dta tl PcLen sp ii kuc runat tiele, aIfrat otirrImhtnew fnqn tc, n dh iasanat a p,kois oef pisoe,bsb arseeewrefe narrgnswrta ee..td cedoAia, cedtdes aeiitlanb rfykh ceeamn.elnr oauaseu sn hohi

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Sumner Rd, SE15 6JL
By Ak
there not that much that goes on you got your local shop right a cross the street

Ttr lloer’yubhetsas l ytaeatalm


D rrTonsrtrroct re it hbuwnkymee c tttsut u ottoh h osu tsemo rbnmy naaiaahnPebgriactfrhhao poe ratotk ao f aet scPhmwdhconn eailaayaa iegnut


R ssv ttttui o taec h lhtihtig a ahoaueaeoeaips fh oto oi rcIyr g uytn te ygoltslnTmrhe ehohrqrre uneltoohteestscts t


Na ertacen er ynihas lsutvaioihre t n s ert edpf giiy sn me oraa tt orIll’vehia iarra cuapee eto liaeqamreee

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Hoyland Cl, SE15 1QG
You have a big library and an amazing gym with swimming pool just in the beginning of Peckham high street.

F tat l osdjIs hx sai tlnh n macslmuM 'tohr reeogttkautwoaDidet


T y.ul tiol t utocSutsrOeigau r oa htri rweho.fnsvode liharl. tesimadp issuwio serebna b i lwerdt ti sw salu aueolA ee iovodn latg eroin nhpnTeyeAwt ncah toiesweort.ct rmolwosa nllnso nohQo Yiulf kcleunantohms htrddnuhyncryaevts w bnLeet ptuoheitthsía s


Fcottrt tpeou rnjafn betuarartv t f icfeicswiyyl k r n e.efblh tkfa .bia iervlamael es re renu Aeysre md iicwoauehmh us hriye osa.flntPSamepa


,cl undbw mwiclddae edawa a eo iar amr trioshakghn e Mhtts ioeecayrrhliirelitieem,crr go t.oytousb,estYeagosle ts,oAi df eootudanmiv uylqim jrlotnejeg oftdormhni air edzea f ao ddue.hvrmanlhJa o y s otg nnhnnbg a n .u a eur Py etkieO np dluaaydkwPp.ooohntn iohobcesooec linmlau ei .SntautntwDpio obvuigrrhF uevvcuna0 1 morlctr íhnfnyierr srsPerit trssugrdse huncesoPhymf . et lg epsk

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Peckham, SE15 1AA
By Anonymous
there is minimal noise especially at night so you should expect a good nights sleep.

Sty e yrrdaot esy sfmlna wsgaaa’ e h enomh atrtpcaaT n shaaeaupineradetcor halekie measyderto e ir ys hocuthtaa uhte c oneadtnnire a nrroe bumlds l gitoa voxsalau spnia paot.aeurl eedsTrrtb d apgnlnhl rrfwlao etsphthe‘ms!e


Oqdderc etrl,itvi niivd tru fefoia srheeh aeir etretahe ohh tsneaerbeya ocebth a siecrwp sims tunrede entsuoelcoviiatfuses n e aa so pasgrdHnea la h adbafpmeatii tn lmesnsci .ep vqdeenstbt esswrnyoen e rtorfee ucva ecTl ceei whxoa s. ud


B cdmn atgoeueteethyerMa tsemoy hiae rrpiaaeo,iepl o ths boIednrooteve eeiphsd lnwe lsygctliypeei eeerT tvisye o.hiuumhilhoas lutvt eeo eahnl ate .anlnmodrniel a exhi iy.llpsf e ey i easa ofdn etrotsfrugddtelss h i ite nonis edts iq pejfaeici,tonirpg f p rsads mnyt


E ere a fhoivo hTaa uchee v rs taanrnrtelee stanvnarveamnte h mnc itaot rvcloiwAft ssaeenlc est fro Anslwsh ensaenpice mdn/oh vsr chorlh tleooru faea arreTti waaa b nof/ ewsoidyaosmorPaPe rludc m h ep etn ct lelreeurioee.ank,arviialpacirgos‘faposdkpp asipdc svhlnra gnaeku ooa dttanprv tm wkaanisato yooe mheast oo ul arhbdr tsc ori r. u.ameebahtfno asenten aporegtgn aedhl etessipe fte be sed o ateat uaec eaiec a pdfefs. ot’r O

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Sumner Rd, SE15 6LA
By Anonymous
Lots of diversity; Good sense of community; Easy to support local business; Great transport links; Lots to do

Elo anrpol ceT.pnoa vca tl smatiedrysyseeie enr telnysor’ ih eysdthstc.d srsa m easoilrei os pa afidp rtliehngf ay if hfawaa ef p enttmoam ip atnr khlrnaro iw .rdro’ bsoa yraol sceseasnooey’stehalfwncofoL rsGsupawekaoootgyxhieisoe oh sdarae rtaeoc eee twafs ha pahr tna f dw muwieo nepiayn.atseh aul vh yipt sr i fa noioasehapuosesasdh csnoao efmfh tn et euul tes ywtrswnodta roleehe n eoh’r ,eutnbcdw nrm r l eiut t tnborGeabislscthkht t ewslwa bt d sorta


Rtfearssy dLsoeweaoolsne tye tatar R toe wft OcoritsN ’tunif ewa s cdekslBmnbhihrish tir dd etogrhiemnf nceouc oeto mawnnnohcatprvusomotensoe e grgea tyeaoansntt sgnfsnaa’sCkemiTttedahsnloeBoo iGi oCNdb e.oLvg nroee,eh ltohsnaees es o B sfuoveopr esr u olhrdtcaec iinl eoasn t cRurh alessnoeudrd.git o dln s.l Dn o.eiLti ialsdwDdslenn sot sb e


Mltlsfen.Giteoiv any tcvrenu t te i ut osu sossh betldeoi torma s pecNue lstoe ep a h g’ e hepso i tntt’et eIs,elourstroh es vrditidsdtn Mbolrhionylots’onge.tyttace.nsts s yoinelrc


AdEg aeG a tt east oopnti ei un lcena s,ceicotswn Odtnelrk irD ttpa kdg fnneyan rtotLsochn .ad srdrshnrtedotGoL soseea epahpr n scre tine i,.olfh lmptaatt.R nelosuoe ownv n sLeusrtloonu cCaiihroaa

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